Kishore the singer – King of all trades..
There are always those who excel in something when they put everything into it. That is quite a commendable achievement as most people do not achieve success in their chosen fields or professions. But then, there is also a different category altogether – those who do more than one thing at a time and excel […]
There are always those who excel in something when they put everything into it. That is quite a commendable achievement as most people do not achieve success in their chosen fields or professions. But then, there is also a different category altogether – those who do more than one thing at a time and excel at everything they do. It’s like having a Midas touch – everything you try turns to gold. The world adores such people and it also loves to hate them, in a way. It pokes in some deep recess of every person’s mind that someone exists who loves to do more than one thing and does it well. So while the respect and admiration grows for them openly, they unconsciously or consciously revel in their failure too.
One such person was Kishore Kumar – born as Abhas Kumar Ganguly. When he came to the city of Bombay as young man, his brother Ashok Kumar was quite successful in films. Expectedly, one would say it would have been logical to follow in his footsteps. Though Kishore was all set, there was something that fascinated and interested him a lot more – singing. He was not a trained singer but as some say talent is something you are born with. Though raw, he was great at picking things up like his famous yodeling. In his initial days when no one took him seriously as a singer, he used to imitate the great Saigal Saab until he was made to realize that he needed to develop his own style.
As he started making it as an actor, there were those who believed in his singing capability. One of his earlier breaks was given by Khemchand Prakash and Kishore Kumar did the playback for the film Ziddi. Then a messiah came in the form of S.D. Burman and they both forged a deep bond that lasted for very long. Soon Kishore was regarded as Dev Anand’s voice and did score of films like Munimji, Taxi Driver, Fantoosh, House No. 44 being a couple of them. He also has some timeless classics with Asha Bhonsle like the songs from Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi – all becoming extremely popular.
A score of people were clamoring for Kishore now as they finally stood up and took notice. Big music directors like Laxmikant- Pyarelal and Kalyanji-Anandji started working with him on a regular basis. Kishore Kumar finally got what he wanted.
But that was not all that he wanted. During his lifetime, he sang, acted, directed, produced, wrote – all these getting him commercial and professional attention. He did everything that he wanted to do and because of his take on life, he became one of those special people. Counted amongst the finest singers that Bollywood has seen, one thing that was totally unique about him was that he excelled at singing because of his desire and inner talent, not to mention hard work. This gives inspiration to all those out there who get dissuaded just because they don’t have professional training.
As mentioned before, many people term such gifted people as eccentrics and Kishore was no different. But there was something he taught us all – if you want something bad enough and work hard for it, there is little chance that what others speak is going to affect you. You see, he taught us a lot more than just to listen to his eternal voice.
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In an interview, Rafiji had said that he had sung 26000 songs, there’s his audio interview in Rafiji’s site.
Checked with HMV people! Funny, show us how you checked? Till 1980, Rafiji sang more than Lataji. Nothing greatness of KK.
Rafi sahab was the best singer of all times…
RAFI is the BEST
RAFI is the BEST
RAFI is the BEST
First of all Viswan who told you Rafi sung 26,000 songs?Even Lataji sang 13,000 songs till date.I have checked with HMV’s people and records.Rafi sang less than 9000 songs,and Rafi is the worst singer .Kishoreda is the greatest singer and genius in the world.
rafi ahead only in quantity?quantitywise diference between rafi and kk is more than 20000songs.india is not a contry of deaf and dump to simply tolerate asinger forsuch along span of time without any qality singing.why dont you think how such along long innings wsa possible for rafi?
Nonsense, The qualities of Rafiji’s songs are far better than of KKs. World believe qualities of Rafiji’s songs are infinitely better than of KKs.
Facts are facts Debyjoti. Fact is something that can be proven. It is a FACT that Mohd Rafi was used more by MDs than Kishore Kumar from the period of 1977-1980. Check HMV records. As far as quality is concerned, indeed Shankar Jaikishan had to summon Mohd Rafi when Kishore Kumar failed to deliver quality and was off key for his own song in Shararat. FACT.
Dear Blind supporter of KK will u answer me some question plz, if KK is better than Rafi Then Why KK took Rafi,s voice for him in his so many films. In Ragini There is a semi classical song “Man Mora Bawra” In Shararat a tipical Tune ‘Ajab Hai Dastan Teri Aye Zindagi” in Hathi Mere Sathi For Nafrat Ki Dunya Ko” Rajesh Khanna Ke Lakh Zid Karne Ke Baad Bhi Ye Gana KK se Nahi Gawaya Ja Saka and above all why KK used Rafi Saab for His Home Production
Monty – those figures are really tough to estimate. Granted, Rafi was a more pure singer – it was like religion to him.
Anyway, while I do believe he must have sung about ~25000 songs – those will never be on record. What is one record is that he has for sure 5000 different songs and there probably are 500 or so that have yet to be unveiled. 3100 for Kishoreda.
I’d say ~6000 different songs for Rafi, ~4000 different songs for Kishore. I’m being very generous to Kishore – but the numbers still indicate clearly the output difference. With total songs (including repeas), I agree, the disparity would be much greater.
Kishoreda was much more used than Rafi ,also from 1977 to 1980.Bapan is right.Rafi is ahead in qantity of songs Monty,but in qality,he is far behind Kishoreda.
Bapan: MDs used Mohd Rafi MORE than Kishore Kumar from 1977-1980. That’s a fact. What does that tell you?
Monty,are you mad?After 1969,Rafi was never at the top.It was Kishoreda all along till Kishoreda’s death in 1987.No body is anywhere close to Kishoreda in any aspect.JAI KISHOREDA!!!
I like Kishore da very much. His songs touches the heart. He had given us evergreen hit songs. He and his songs will remain for ever. Whenever I hear his songs, my eyes fills with tears of joy…
God may have called him back so early to hear his melodious voice
Rafiji sang 26000 songs in his career and kishore sang only 5000 songs in his career, hence, the debate is one sided. That’s all.
the real yardstik is not who was top at agiven period or who erned more or who has most number of fans,but who sung beautifuly with throt and heart making singing a devine activity-rafi made it so.he is a great singer much much abov kk and other is a body could upset that truth bysome acrimony or false statistics
Bapan :: No one is mentally ill : u pls listen to Kishore jis song
and think KK is the best singer…
Let RAFI lovers listen to their idol – this rare individual – the
BHARAT Ka RATNA Mohd Rafi ..
Lets enjoy the songs..,
Sorry MONTY JI.. MY sincere apologies…
Bapan only eight of you as above…for Kishore Kumar…
Mohd rafi has thousands of writers and millions of music lovers
round the globe.. he was in the field from 46 to 80 : u know and
I know……
Pl. do not compare with RAFI SAAB with UR idol Kishore kumar and
enjoy with ur idols songs all your life… Pl. dont ever hear alternate
music as u may change ur opinion…
Honestly,I do enjoy Kishore Kumar songs …
binu nair
Monty,you are mentally ill.No one will believe that Rafi was better than Kishoreji.You keep on playing the same tune.What I know,Arpita,KKKLAN,Debjyoti,Manish,Balkrishna,Anuj,Rajesh knows,that the world knows.KISHORE KUMAR IS THE GREATEST SINGER OF ALL TIMES.
Mr. Binu Nair, Kishore Kumar is NOT my idol, but I am a fan of Rafiji, that’s final!
Baban, you’re mentally ill, no one can believe that Kishore Kumar was better than Rafiji. You keep on playing the same tune.
Monty: If you compare Mohd Rafi saheb with your idol
Kishore Kumar…. you will end up nowhere …. only
in a mental check up centre where u will need lot of corrections…
binus 2000
Rafiji was on top till his death…… and this is a fact.
Bapan, KKKALANK, Debjyoti, Balkrisna, Anuj, Rajesh…. a family. Rafiji is the best than all, Kishore Kumar was a good singer no doubt, but Rafiji… wah kya kehna….!
Rafi was at the top for few years from late 50’s to late 60’s,while Kishoreda from 1969 to 1987 as a singer,a much larger period.Kishoreda,we all love you.
I totally agree with Arpita,KKKLAN,Debjyoti,Balkrishna,Manish,Anuj ,Rajesh.
The world’s greatest singer ,performer,comic hero,entertainer and genius is Kishore God Kumar.
Monty,are you mentally disbalances?Kishore Kumar is infinity times better than Rafi in all fields.Rafi was a mediocre singer,not even a good singer.
Dear Monty,Anuj is right.You grow up,the world knows that Kishoreji is much much ahead than Rafi.
I accept Kishore Kumar was a great singer, I like his songs but only after Rafiji.
Oh Anuj, ple don’t be silly, the world know that Rafiji was much much ahead of Kishore Kumar. ple grow up now!!!
Hah!!!Kishoreji is much much much better than Rafiji.
Agree, KK was better only after Rafiji. But not better than Rafiji.
Kishoreji is the greatest singer of all times.
Kishore sang approx 1400 songs in the same period. Just 400 songs more. Mind you Rafi sang more songs than all male singers put together from 49 to 70.
Hence to say Kishore da single hanedely ran the industry is an over exaggeration and if one still likes to belive it then we also have to accept that Rafi ran it single handedly for 20 years.
Very very interesting. Thanks
I love Kishore Kumar very much.He is indeed the greatest artist,singer and human the world has ever seen.
KK was single handedly runing the industry and Mukesh was winning all the film fare awards in the 70. ha ha ha
This statement proves of the modesty of Rafi if that is if he actually said it.
Kishore da was in no way running the industry single handed although his popularity surged in first part of 70’s similar to that of Rafi’s 20 years before that period. Even then Rafian’s cannot claim that Rafi was running the industry single handed although some from HMV may agree to it.
Rafi sang 1000 or so songs approx from 70 to 79 mind you he did not sing for over 8 to 10 months in 71 after his religious pilgrimage.
Kishore sang approx 1400 songs in the same period. Just 400 songs more. Mind you Rafi sang more songs than all male singers put together from 49 to 70.
Hence to say Kishore da single hanedely ran the industry is an over exaggeration and if one still likes to belive it then we also have to accept that Rafi ran it single handedly for 20 years.
Kishore da is my soul ,my heart ,my inspiration ,my love…….He was really God gifted….He came in the industry when there was a race of classical singers like Rafi sabhub,Manna dey ji and others…He had a lot of of being untrained singer, he gave strong competition to classical singers of that ERA….hats off to dada…
if we listen to the starting songs of dada,they do give fragrance of talented singer….he sang “Koi humdum na raha koi sahara na raha” beautifuly,that was also being sung by Ashok Kumar ji in classical way….But dada gave that song a real meaning..In spite of being untrained,he was very strong in SUR and TAAL..He used to give real emotions in the songs..he used to have THEHRAAV in the songs which only comes with the riyaas..this proves that he was a natural talented trained singer ..
I watched a TV show called jeena issi ka naam he..They invited Mahender kapoor ji…Mahender ji told in that show that ::::—
“one day Rafi sahub came to me..he was very upset…Rafi sahub saib to mahender ji :::Yaar mahender aaj kal koi kaam hi nahi deta, her koi Kishore kumar se gaane guvvata he….”
this proves that Kishore da was running the singing industry single handed…..Great singer….
Really,Kishoreda is the voice of the millenium,national icon,the GOD.
guruji is really the king of all trades.he has given a new magic to the one can take his place.he has played all types of roles.naukri,chalti ka naam gaadi,padosan and some more movies taught a lot to all the bhakts.he made us laugh in all moments when he wanted.
wht to say more…………..he is uncomparable……no words to explain
kishore da is the gratest in whole world no one is nt even 1% of kishore da
Kishore was good but to say he excelled in all departments is too much to digest.
He was a good actor but not the best. He also was a good musician but not the best, he also sang some good songs but no way the best and he made a couple of good films but not the best director. Nearly all his produced films were flops so surely not the most successful producer either. He was lucky in many ways that he had people to support him all through.
He was a jack of all and master of none but surely a genuine entertainer.
No hard feelings but I am not a blind fan like most here.
Hats off to Kishore Kumar.
KK was really best after MOHD.RAFI, Both were god gifted.
Kishore Kumar is genuinely king of all trades.Artist of his calibre was never born and will never be born.
Messi thanks for that sweet story
Kishore-da was a undoubtly Vocal genius but Rafi-saheb was devine.
Ya,I know this story.
Lovely !!! I thought there’s something more in the artilcle but it’s finished.
Hope it would have been longer cause it very good.
Thanks or that. I always ask, who is the author ? nobody tells me abou the Author,
no name, no information.
S.D. Burman went to Ashoke Kumar’s house for some recording reason, the young
Kishore then was taking bath. He was singing ver well and in Saigal Saheb’s voice.
SDB asked AK “Who is the singer ?” then AK said “It’s my brother Kishore”.
Then the story begins. SDB waited for Kishore to come out, then he said “You got a
very good singing capability. But don’t ape Saigal. Apers don’t become great.
From then Kishore tried establish his own style, so unique and different all.
This is the story.
Great, isn’t it ?
He was a versatile genius,hats off to him.He is my inspiration,everyone’s inspiration.The only singer who is liked by people of all age group.I pay my tribute to this God.
Kishoreda is the greatest singer of all times,hats off to him.