Life is a laugh….
Though there are many cynics who would not entirely agree with the title, there are those who do. And then there are also those who tried making it one for everyone. One such person was Kishore Kumar- the singer, actor, director, editor and comedian. Kishore Kumar was born as Abhas Kumar Ganguly in a wealthy […]
Though there are many cynics who would not entirely agree with the title, there are those who do. And then there are also those who tried making it one for everyone. One such person was Kishore Kumar- the singer, actor, director, editor and comedian.
Kishore Kumar was born as Abhas Kumar Ganguly in a wealthy family. He was the youngest in the family with two elder brothers and 1 sister. When he was young, his eldest brother Ashok Kumar was into films and his other brother Anoop was making his foray into Bollywood. Naturally, he was inclined to do the same.

But once he came here, he realized that his one true love was music. There was nothing he wanted more than to be a playback singer. But without formal training, it was a lost cause. Still undeterred, he continued harbouring the dream in his heart till it turned into a reality.
But in the midst of all this, there was another option waiting right open for him- acting. Though he was not too happy about it, he entered the rat race and was a winner all the way. His popularity far outdid that of his superstar brother- Ashok. One genre that Kishore Kumar truly excelled at was comedy. He had a truly innate comic sense and a timing that resulted in the audiences going totally mad at his antics.

Proof of his talent was seen in Half Ticket released in 1962. It is a comic caper where an unsuspecting man finds himself the target of a deadly gang when some very precious diamonds land in his bag by mistake. A truly hilarious movie where Kishore Kumar has completely outdone himself.
And then who can ever forget about Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi?! It was one of the biggest block busters of its time and it featured all three brothers together – a classic case of comedy of errors, this one was so popular that a spin off- Badhti Ka Naam Daadhi was made. In this too, Kishore Kumar’s performance was simply mind blowing. He is still remembered for this one.

Then in 1968 there was another major hit – Padosan. Though he was not the lead in this film, his role was highly pivotal, not to mention recognized and applauded. The film also featured Sunil Dutt and Saira Banu. Dutt was a village boy new to Bombay and his neighbor was the hot little number Saira Banu. The hero desperately wants to get her to like him and for this Herculean feat, he turns to his guru – Kishore Kumar for help. A wonderful, rib tickling, gut wrenching comedy which shows off Kishore at his best.
Throughout his career, Kishore Kumar was popular and coveted, but the only reason he truly excelled was because he put his soul along with his talent into what he did. This is what separated him from the rest and he is remembered till this day for his mastery.
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why u all guys barking like dogs n making noice??????okar lo mera ghanta jis ne okharna hai…NA KARO AUR BORE…MUCH GAYA SHOR..HAR TARAF HAI BAS KISHORE KIAHORE KIAHORE…..mohd rafi also great but kishora da is much more polular n great than raii
Personal tastes vary, and comparisons if any should have some base.
Our language and logic shows what we are.
KK had mint-fresh voice and provided a variation. Mukesh had his own distinct way of singing. Manna Dey was a great vocalist but he was not exactly built for playback singing. Rafi had all the ingredients needed for playback singing.
As a music lover, I listen to songs of all of them.
Mr. Sunil Vyas, voting system in india is not correct, it can be ‘paisa phenko tamaasha dekho’. No need of voting, Rafiji will win.
dear fans, well kk was a legend. ok i can prove it by votings system in india. let people decide who was a best among all rafi, mukesh , etc, then we can know kk was best.
Ya,Kishoreda’s calibre is something no one had,and no one will have.Whan Kishore Kumar died,Raj Kapoor told that “Even God does not have the framework to produce another artist like Kishore Kumar.”
Hats off to the greatest genius Kishoreda.Rafi is nowhere near Kishoreda.Kishoreda is far ahead.
ORKUT Bachcho ki site hai
in india leteracy ratio is very low so may be kk members in orkut site is more than rafi saab and what is orkut , orkut is just destroying our teenagers
Kishoreda’s largest fan club in orkut has 68,000 members while Rafi’s 10,000.This just shows what Kishoreda is.In fact,Kishoreda is the most popular singer,no other Indian singer has more fans than Kishoreda in orkut.People of every age,status prefer Kishoreda.In orkut,even Shaan,Sonu,Hariharan and Balasubramaniyam has more fans than Rafi.
I don’tknow who said that Anil Biswas like KK more than Mohd Rafi!!!!!!if u know Anil Biswas u will never say that because he was at top in 1940’s but where Anil Biswas was when Naushand came with Mohd Rafi in 1950’s and SJ in 1960’s…………plz ask u r self before u say something…if u don’t have the answer plz don’t say………
Kishoreda is obviously the greatest singer and actor of all times.
A simple thing why u don’t understand Rafi is Rafi and Kishore is Kishore
Now I confirmed that Debjyoti and Bapan is same person First he or she comments and then Bapan appreciate it.
Kishoreda is the greatest singer.
Daer Bapan,
Plz check before u say something Anil Biswas used KK only for two films one in 1953 and other in 1956 but he used Mohd Rafi for seven flims from 1950 to 1958,he was not anti Mohd rafi yes he liked Talat ji more than Mohd Rafi but KK,if u know Anil Biswas u will say that,i think u don’t who is KK also how great he was as an actor……
Anil Biswas was totally anti Rafi.He liked Kishoreda’s singing very much.Kishoreda is GOD.
Undoubtedly Kishoreda is the most popular of all singers in the universe.
I agree with what Mast Mast said. These guys have lost their minds, so behaving like hell.
They don’t appreciate Rafi without bringing in Kishore’s name. They dislike Kishore’s success
That’s it.
Admins can simply remove these unncessary posts: Bapan, Unknown, Unmesh, Debjyoti
etc. They just talk blah blah, even though Mast Mast said so nicely.
Thanks for the article. Rafi and Kishore both are great, love both of them.
dear Debjyoyi and Mast mast
when we speak about greatest Music directors the names are SJ,Nausand,O P Nayar,Madan mohan,LP,Ravi,RD and SD burman it is not what i said dear,give me on name from these great MD who didn’t used mohd Rafi voice………………….Anil biswas was at the top in 1940’s if u know that but in 1950’s was Naushand because he show us the magic voice of Mohd Rafi and SJ in 1960’s useing the same magic voice of Mohd rafi in 1970’s was LP with RD and jest listen to Mohd Rafi songs from 1970 to 1975 u will see that these songs which singed by mohd rafi only can he sing by mohd Rafi not other singer.Anil Biswas liked Talat ji more than mohd Rafi we all know that Talat Ji himself said that mohd rafi is greater singer than all and we know there are many songs should sing by Talat ji but that songs singed by Mohd Rafi and we know that happened with other singer they can’t sing some songs and with Mohd rafi never,exp Shammi kapoor used Talat ji and Mannay dey but when u got Mohd Rafi he didn’t used other singer and only he used KK in 1980’s once but mr Bachchan and rajesh khanna they used mohd rafi also don’t forget that shammi kapoor is famous with his flims songs but Mr Bachcan is not famous because of his songs,
mohd Rafi singed around 12 songs for Anil Biswas and would u plz tell me how many songs singed by KK?it not mean that if KK didn’t sing for Naushand and Anil Biswas he not good singer but only I want to say that Anil Biswas became from top to nothing because he didn’t used Mohd rafi voice as used mohd Rafi voice by Naushand others SD,Madan mohan and so on………kk was good singer and actor but Mohd rafi is and will be.
KK fans never spoke why KK didn’t got Bharat ratna Award as Lata ji got!!!?as I am mohd rafi fan I think this award should give to KK before Lata ji because KK played better role than Lata ji as a human(as I think)but u kk fans will not say that because Lata ji halped KK they was in the same group with Asha and RD to make KK at the Top.
some said that KK was at top from 1970 to 1976 i want to say plz check that mohd Rafi singed for around 150 films and most of songs for unknow people that was the greatness of mohd Rafi.
there are many people jest they read what is wrote but they don’t know the true i hope u all understant what i mean…….
Dear mast mast,
if u know who is Anil Biswas u will never say that,Anil Biswas was at top in 1940’s yes u r right he liked Talat ji more than Mohd Rafi because he didn’t use mohd Rafi he became from top to nothing but that was greatess of Mohd Rafi in 1958 when mohd rafi was at top and Anil Biswas was nothing he singed for Anil Biswas,how many songs KK singed for Anil Biswas?!!Naushand said to KK that u can’t sing my tape of songs,i know u will that KK singed for KK only once,why once?
Dear Debjyoti,
I don’t think that Amit Kummar son of KK will say what u said
plz listen to kk as kk not Mohd Rafi and listen to Mohd Rafi as Mohd Rafi not KK.
bapan i will pass same comment for u too as well as debjyiti
Debjyoti,you are right.Kishore Kumar is God.**********,Nadeem and Unmesh.
kishore kimar was only a great joker
i have mercy with u debjyoti that u have lost ur mind
nadeem saab ur right i pity on mentalaity of Debjyoti
Poor mind Debjyoti,
The following statement shows your thinking capacity,your way of nutrision and ur culture and above above all that u have no sence of music, u have cow-dung in your mind if u say
Kishoreda is the greatest singer of all times.Rafi is not even 1%of Kishoreda.Hail Kishore Kumar.
Kishore Kumar is God,greatest of all.
Kishoreda is the greatest singer of all times.Rafi is not even 1%of Kishoreda.Hail Kishore Kumar.
You guys are losers! Can’t you guys appreciate Rafi sahab without bringing in Kishore Kumar
You disapprove of Anil Biswas – bcauz he did not give Rafi sahab a chance. Someone said ABiswas said Rafi sahab was no singer. Did you guys personally hear ABiswas say it? Don’t talk write/talk with no facts!
The next person you throw your axe at R.D.Burman – bcauz he had Kishore singing more nos. of songs! Come on guys, RDB has given some gems to Rafi sahab too. The occasion and the producers/directors also played favourite. Don’t just blame the composers.
KKfans this is for you – Naushad sahab favored Rafi sahab. So what? It is his personal choice.
He had his reason for that. 
Rafi sahab and Kishore Kumar are like two pillars of HFM. Learn to respect and accept them the way they are! If you can’t then stick to your favourite singers and enjoy their songs.
Mast Mast signing off……….
Offourse Sir Debjyoti,
KK will never be born again as any human….
Hats off to the God of music,greatest all rounder genius of all times.Kishore Kumar will never be born.
Sir A Singh,
KK was one man show,as I think if KK used mohd Rafi voice as I an actor it was better as KK actor(as I think)why we speak about KK as a singer?!!!i think he was better commedian and actor which help him to be a good singer as Mr Bachchan all songs are famous not because he is good singer because he is great actor it was same with KK as I think..If we go to kk hit songs as I think 90% was for Rajesh Khanna and Bachchan and we know that not good song should be hit,what does mean great singer?why KK didn’t sing for Mr Bachcan when he said him that he will not work in his film for free?why kk gave music to Mohd Rafi?
KK was great i agree and was a good singer but I don’t agree that he was the best singer or commadian or actor or MD…….
KK’s acting was not natural……..
Dear Unknown,
I have referred these films as landmark in terms of commedy primarily. Here I am referring KK as a commedian. Plus if you go through the original article it mainly foccess on KK’s comic ability.
a package named KISHORE KUMAR PACKAGE is a genius package n dat package will never come on dis earth again bcoz of its uniqueness.
wat 2 say about dis great artist.
D word GENIUS is specially made 4 him.
Dear Sir A Sing,
Do u know what does mean landmarks?sir be honest plz when u say these films was landmark do u mean KK as actor or singer please be honest.i like these flims but not as good music,i agree that KK was one of the best commedian in Indian cinema also he was one of good singer but without compare him with any other singer,one of KK fans said that from 1 to 10 is KK other after that but he don’t know that said by Manneydey for who.If we go for all time best songs in Indian cinema,
To make people laugh is an art on its own. Everyone cannot make a person laugh. This art was was inbuilt into KK by birth.
Films like Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi, Half Ticket, Padosan are landmarks in Indian cinema. One can watch these films any number of times and still not get bored. KK was a great commedian, having his own style completely different from his counterparts like Mehmood, Johny Walkar, Om Prakash, Mukri, etc. Majority commendians are equally good in serious acting as well. KK excelled there too.
Nicely written. Who wrote it? Kishore was a man of many talents. A legend. A hero.